Mom's Day
Becoming a Mother is a dream come true for many people today.
Those who have had their kids for a while, have mixed views they say.
Moms start out with unconditional love, for the infant that they have.
They'll love and protect their child. Cuddle them as they cry and laugh.
Their flowers blossom. The child grows.
Mother's love and compassion flows.
Then the kid becomes a teen. What was once cute can be less so today.
You learn you have to change the way you relate to your kid. Okay.
Nothings "changed" except their age, but they seem to act so weird.
Uh-oh! My son's not only telling me "No," but he's now growing a beard.
All I'm saying is that we all had Mom's. We need to show the right appreciation.
And every year, we get this chance to offer them celebration.
The things they've done. The things they do.
Mom, we're much better off because of you.
You deserve the Day. You deserve a year
Of love and gratitude you deserve to hear.
So roses are red, and violets are blue.
Mom, you ARE the best. Happy Mother's Day to you!