Saturday, September 22, 2007

All You Need Is Love

When I say this to couples that I work with (after we've gotten to know each other), they sometimes find it hard to believe. That ALL you need is love. Any therapist worth his beans would say that in order to make a relationship work well it takes good communication (especially listening), trust, respect, understanding, compassion, good conflict resolution, affection, fun, finance management, romance, commitment, and (sometimes) forgiveness. What I mean, though, is that love makes all of those things more possible to achieve, especially forgiveness. It helps you let go of some of the baggage that can begin to weigh a relationship down, because you can focus on the love that you have for your partner, in the present. It makes you listen better, and want to understand more. Focus on expressing love in every interaction between yourself and your partner, even disagreements, and you will resolve issues easier and without the drama. You'll laugh and play more. Your home will have less stress. Love is all you need.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you as I am faced with many of those situatuons in my own marraige and love is the single element that is keeping there. I am convinced that love means sacrifice and many times acceptance.

Anonymous said...

Not to be Cliche but just like the Beatles song, it is true. all you need is love.. great blog.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering about forgiveness. Can there be forgiveness without love?
Having been divorced some a year and a half ago, I've been told that I should work on forgiving the other party. But I really don't think I can.