Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This past week I learned of two stories in the news that saddened me. A 90 year- old woman in Ohio shot herself in the chest (twice, and survived), because her house was being foreclosed on. A few days ago a 45 year-old man in California killed his family and then himself, because his financial situation was so bleak. The economy is bad, and it is hitting us hard. I'm not going to let it make me crazy, and I encourage you to not let yourself be overwhelmed by it either. I want to suggest two things. One, is that we do have to survive financially. However, I'm hoping that the struggle will diminish in '09 when we have a new president. So, I'm going to exert some control over our future economy by voting (FREE) in a few weeks. Two, I don't feel that I have to allow the global economy to dictate my life. I've changed my perspective to focus on my PERSONAL ECONOMY. That means I get to determine what is most valuable to me in MY ECONOMY. So paying my bills, trying to save, and cutting back (see my blog of 7/10/08: "Turn Off The Lights") where I can are still important. But more important to me is my happiness. Your PERSONAL ECONOMY can be rich! As we all know, money can't buy happiness. And, yes, the best things in life are free.

Let's first address this change of perspective idea. Your perspective (free), your way of looking at life, is yours. You OWN it. You get to use it however you want. I suggest using it to change your focus to happiness as a priority in these hard times. Use it also to look at how you manage the important relationships in your life. Love (free) makes you happy ("All You Need Is Love", 9/22/07). Have more, and share more love in your life. Spend time with friends. Fix broken relationships, if possible ("Forgiveness", 10/1/07 ).

A walk on the beach (free) makes you feel good. It is relaxing, helps you de-stress, and helps you have a sense of inner peace (free). Very important in these times.

Pets are really good at lifting your mood. A friend of mine, going through some difficult times, told me the other day that visiting the Humane Society (free) for 30 minutes totally brightens his day. My brother-in-law and his wife, visit there regularly and enjoy interacting with the pets. My wife, actually, can get happy interacting with pets in the elevator, on the street, or in someone else's car.

Small things can have a big effect on how good you feel. Find things to do that make you laugh (free). Learn (free) a new hobby, or a new athletic activity. You may be surprised how much it helps your state of mind to help others, to volunteer (free).

Look. If you can't find some way to lift your spirits during these trying times, give me a call (free). Hey, just by reading this blog you've enjoyed something free. Receiving free professional advice, ... PRICELESS!

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