Sunday, October 25, 2009


I heard this comment on a TV show last week (Mercy, on NBC). It inspired me to revisit the subject of "drama" (Read my posting of 5/6/07, Mother's Day Drama). There is too much of it, real and imagined. Don't get me wrong. Stuff happens. Sometimes situations are emotionally charged. But too many people thrive on this. Often they pull other people in. So, there is 'mild' drama, as when you make plans with friends and something (drama?) comes up with them to require that you make last minute changes in the plan. Understandable, once in a while. But often is too much.

Drama has varying levels of severity. For example, there are those people who are always in conflict (arguing with the store cashier, cursing out their doctor's secretary, hassling the paper boy), and people ending up in the ER or involved with the police, or other "emergencies." Again, everyone has things that happen. But drama queens/kings (YES, there are drama kings too!) tend to have drama all the time, either their own or some to gossip about.

I don't mean to be judging. I am TOTALLY in favor of people living their lives in a way that works for them. But drama can be disruptive, stressful, and exhausting. So, first of all try not to involve others so much in your drama (unless they're into it too, but you better check). More importantly, take a look at your life. If you're having a lot of drama, consider kicking the habit. If you are not sure if you are a drama king or queen, ask your friends. They are dying to tell you.

If you want to make some changes, consider thinking more about options before you act. Some of the relationships that you have may need to change. Limit the drama that you allow people to bring to your door. It's easy to get sucked in. Learn to relax more. And finally, find other, healthier ways to add fun and excitement to your life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Saving for your mama...or really save it period. i like this blog. Keep up the good work.